Multiview Geometry

Multi-view Geometry

Bundle Adjustment


  • Unknown

    • Position of 3D points and each camera’s relative pose (6n+3m6n+3m DoF)
  • Given

    • Point correspondence
    • camera matrices
    • position of 3D points
    • each camera’s relative pose
  • Constraints

    • n×m× projection xij=PjXi=Kj[Rjtj]Xin \times m \times \text { projection } \mathbf{x}_i^j=\mathrm{P}_j \mathbf{X}_i=\mathrm{K}_j\left[\mathrm{R}_j \mid \mathbf{t}_j\right] \mathbf{X}_i
  • Solution ⇒ Non-linear least-square optimization

    • Cost Function

      • Reprojection error

        injmvijxijPjXiΣ2 where vij={1 if xij is visible 0 otherwise \sum\limits_i^n \sum\limits_j^m v_i^j\left\|\mathbf{x}_i^j-\mathrm{P}_j \mathbf{X}_i\right\|_{\Sigma}^2 \quad \text { where } \quad v_i^j= \begin{cases}1 & \text { if } \mathbf{x}_i^j \text { is visible } \\ 0 & \text { otherwise }\end{cases}

    • Optimization

      • Levenberg–Marquardt method
      • Gauss-Newton method

Bundle Adjustment and Optimization Tools

  • OpenCV

    • No function (but cvsba is available as a sba wrapper.)
  • Bundle adjustment

    • sba (Sparse Bundle Adjustment)
    • SSBA (Simple Sparse Bundle Adjustment)
    • pba (Multicore Bundle Adjustment)
  • (Graph) Optimization



  • SfM (Global)

    1. Build a viewing graph (well-matched pairs) while finding inliers

      ⇒ Load images and extract features

      ⇒ Match features and find good matches (which has enough inliers)


    2. Initialize cameras (R,t,f,...R, t, f, ...)
    3. Initialize 3D points and build a visibility graph
    4. Optimize camera pose and 3D points together (BA)


  • SfM (Incremental)

    • Incrementally add more views
    • repeat 4~7
    • Build a viewing graph (well-matched pairs) while finding inliers
    • Select the best pair
    • Estimate relative pose from the best two views (epipolar geometry)
    • Reconstruct 3D points of the best two views (triangulation)
    • Select the next image to add

      ⇒ Separate points into known and unknown for PnP (known) and triangulation (unknown)

    • Estimate relative pose of the next view (PnP)
    • Reconstruct newly observed 3D points (triangulation)
    • Optimize camera pose and 3D points together (BA)


Visual SLAM

  • Feature-based Method vs Direct Method



Visual Odometry

  • Visual Odometry vs Wheel Odometry

    Visual Odometry Wheel Odometry
    + direct motion measure + simple calculation
    + six degree-of-freedoms
    + easy to install
    − heavy computation − indirect motion measure (e.g. slippage)
    − visual disturbance (e.g. moving objects) − two degree-of-freedoms
    − necessary to be on rotor/shaft
  • Visual Odometry vs Visual SLAM

    • Visual Odometry

      • no assumption on trajectories

        ⇒ navigation / large space (outdoor)

    • Visual SLAM

      • closed-loop is preferred for convergence

        ⇒ mapping / small space (indoor, campus)

  • Feature-based Monocular Visual Odometry

    • Two-view Motion Estimation


      1. Find 2D-2D feature correspondence

        • Feature

          → Good-Feature-to-Track [Shi94_CVPR] with bucketing to distribute features

        • Correspondence

          → Lucas-Kanade optical flow [Lucas81_IJCAI]

      2. Reject outlier correspondence

        • Adaptive MSAC [Choi09_IROS]
        • Iterative 5-point algorithm [Choi15_IJCAS]
        • Error measure

          → Sampson distance

      3. Estimate (scaled) relative pose

        • Normalized 8-point algorithm
        • Scale-from-ground with asymmetric kernels [Choi13_URAI]
    • PnP Pose Estimation


      1. Find 2D-2D feature correspondence

        • Feature

          → Good-Feature-to-Track [Shi94_CVPR] with bucketing to distribute features

        • Correspondence

          → Lucas-Kanade optical flow [Lucas81_IJCAI]

      2. Find 2D-3D point correspondence & Reject outlier correspondence

        • Adaptive MSAC
        • Iterative PnP algorithm (3-point algorithm)
        • Error measure

          → Projection error

      3. Estimate pose

        • Iterative PnP algorithm
        • Scale-from-ground with asymmetric kernels [Choi13_URAI]
      4. Updat 3D points map

        • Bundle adjustment over last KK keyframes Reprojection error with Cauchy loss function

본 포스트는 최성록 교수님의 An Inviation to 3D Vision 자료를 정리한 것입니다.

Written by@Miller Shin (SeungRyeol Shin)
Robotics Engineer | ROS | AMR(Autonomous Mobile Robot) | Agricultural Robot | SLAM & Navigation | Robotics Application
